Interested in Becoming a Member of RVAS?

Complete a Membership Form

Complete a Membership Form

Click the button below to download the form. Print page 1 of the form and provide the information requested. You can also choose from one of our 5 membership types, including a free introductory membership offer for full-time students. 

Download Form
Complete a Membership Form

Form & Payment Submission

You can submit your application and payment via email or through the mail. There are details and more information listed on page 2 of our Membership Form. If you have any questions, you can reach out to our Treasurer at


benefits of your...

RVAS Membership

  • Enjoy being part of a great group of people who share your interest in learning more about and observing this incredible universe we inhabit.
  • Participate in monthly meetings (normally, the 3rd Monday of the month at 7:30 pm), including programs presented by members and guest speakers.
  • Keep abreast of club and members’ astronomical happenings through the club’s newsletter, emailed directly to you each month and by information posted to the club’s website and Facebook and Meetup pages.
  • Interact with other members through the RVAS Google Group.
  • Enjoy opportunities to observe with other members on the Blue Ridge Parkway and other sites, weather permitting.
  • Through your RVAS membership, receive membership in the Astronomical League, a federation of over 300 astronomy clubs and societies, and participate in and receive recognition for completing the many A.L. observing programs.
  • Subscribe to Astronomy and/or Sky & Telescope magazines at discounted club rates.
  • Attend, with family members, the RVAS annual picnic and star party, normally held in September or October.
  • And a whole lot more!